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Hadar Swersky on Causes of ADHD


Everybody can have intricacy sitting still, controlling impulsive behavior or paying attention once in a while. For a few individuals, however, the issues are so invasive and unrelenting that they obstruct with every aspect of their life: work, academic, home, and social. ADHD is a neuro-developmental disorder affecting eleven percent of school-age children. Symptoms carry on into adulthood in over three-quarters of cases. ADHD is characterized by developmentally inapt levels of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Hadar Swersky says that individuals with ADHD can be very flourishing in life. But, without recognition and appropriate treatment, ADHD may have serious issues, such as family stress, school failure, and depression, disruption, substance abuse, issues with relationships, delinquency, job failure, and accidental injuries. Early identification and treatment are very important.


Some of the popular symptoms of ADHD are as follows:

  • Has problem sustaining attention
  • Fails to offer close attention to details or makes slipshod mistakes
  • Struggles to stick to instructions
  • Does not seem to listen
  • Has complexity with establishment
  • Loses things
  • Avoids or dislikes tasks necessitating sustained mental effort
  • Is distracted easily
  • Fiddles with feet or hands or struggles in chair
  • Is absentminded in everyday activities
  • Runs about or climbs extremely in children; extreme impatience in adults
  • Has problem remaining seated
  • Acts as if driven by a motor; adults will frequently feel within as if they are driven by a motor
  • Hard engaging in activities peacefully
  • Blurts out answers before questions have been completed
  • Talks extremely
  • Intrudes or interrupts upon others
  • Problem waiting or taking turns

These symptoms may alter over time, so children might fit several presentations as they grow old.


In spite of multiple studies, Hadar Swersky says that researchers are yet to find out the exact causes of ADHD. But, scientists have explored a strong genetic link since ADHD can run in families. Several genetic studies have shown evidence that ADHD is sturdily inherited. Yet ADHD is a complicated disorder, which is the consequence of numerous interacting genes.

Other factors in the environment can augment the probability of having ADHD:

  • premature birth or low birth weight
  • exposure to pesticides or lead in early childhood
  • brain injury

Scientists carry on to study the exact relationship of ADHD to environmental factors, but reveal that there is no single cause that explains all ADHD cases and that several factors may play a part.

Earlier, scientists thought that maternal stress and smoking during pregnancy can enhance the risk for ADHD, but emerging evidence is beginning to question this belief. But, further research is required to find out if there is a link or not. Some of the common causes of ADHD that can make ADHD worse are as follows:

  • eating sugar
  • watching too much television
  • traumatic experiences
  • family stress

ADHD symptoms can contribute to family clash. Although family stress does not cause ADHD, it can alter the way the ADHD presents itself in additional troubles such as antisocial behavior. Hadar Swersky further states that issues in parenting can make ADHD worse or better, but these do not cause the disorder. ADHD is evidently a brain-based disorder. As of now, research is in progress to better define the areas and pathways that are entailed.

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