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Meditation Techniques for ADHD by Hadar Swersky


Sitting motionless may appear to be all that meditation entails. Meditation, on the other hand, is a proactive activity that teaches the brain to focus and be present. If you or your kid have ADHD, meditation may seem complex, according to Hadar Swersky.

However, studies show that persons with ADHD may successfully meditate and that meditation may help with some of the behaviors associated with ADHD. Here are some suggestions to assist you or your kid in controlling ADHD-related behaviors.

·         Find a position.

No one stance is more conducive to meditation than others. Some people like the classic poses connected with this practice, such as the crossed-legged lotus position. However, you can meditate while sitting in your favorite chair or lying down in bed. Make sure that whichever posture you select is comfortable enough for you to stay in for the duration of your meditation session.


·         Dress casually.

If your jeans' waistline digs into your skin or your sweater itches, it may be more difficult to rest your thoughts. Earrings that pull down on your ears and shoes that are too tight are examples of this. Wear comfortable clothes that sit well on the body.


·         Switch off your phone.

Place yourself in a peaceful, distraction-free environment, devoid of electronic gadget notifications such as text messages and incoming email. Close the door or go somewhere where you can be alone for the duration of your meditation if feasible.


·         Keep in mind that silence is a subjective term.

It is possible to meditate even if you live in a city on a busy street, according to Hadar Swersky. Meditation, with practice, will allow you to tune out distractions by focusing on your breathing patterns. You may also tune out noise by meditating to peaceful music or utilizing a guided meditation app if you so want.


·         Keep an eye on your breathing.

Meditation takes advantage of the natural experience of breathing to bring the mind back to the present moment. Begin by observing how your body feels as you breathe in and out normally. When you're ready, take a deep breath in and notice how your body feels. Do you have a belly ache? Do you get a heavy feeling in your chest?

Hold the breath for a few seconds before softly exhaling for as long as the breath calls for it. As you let go of the breath, pay attention to how your body feels.


·         Allow your thoughts to roam.

The mind's nature is to think, and it will do so even during meditation. Recognize the idea and restore your focus to your breath when you sense your thoughts drifting away from the present moment. Accept that thinking is like the mind, and allow oneself the freedom to stray.

Don't criticize yourself for your ideas, and don't put too much emphasis on them. Focus on your breathing to bring your attention back to the present moment.

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