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Popular Treatments of ADHD in Adults by Hadar Swersky


ADHD is a mental health condition in a person consisting of several symptoms such as impulsive behavior, hyperactivity and attention deficit problem. This can further result in several issues such as low self-esteem, poor performance at school or work and trouble in maintaining relationships.

Even though the disorder is named adult ADHD, the symptoms of the disorder can be seen in early childhood which carries on to develop in adulthood. In some cases, the symptoms of adult ADHD might not be clear like in kids. An adult might face problem in paying attention, feel fidgety and impetuous. There are several other disorders that may take place together with ADHD like anxiety disorders, mood disorders, learning disabilities, psychiatric disorders.

Even though there are no known causes of ADHD, but there are quite a few factors that might be involved in the development of the disorder such as:

  • Environmental factors
  • Genetics
  • Premature birth
  • Developmental problems

ADHD Symptoms

The symptoms of ADHD depend on the person's age. Most of the time persons with ADHD are not aware of the disorder in themselves. The symptoms of ADHD include:

  • Difficulty in organizing and prioritizing things
  • Impulsiveness and restlessness
  • Difficulty on focusing on work and completing tasks
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty in multitasking things
  • Difficulty in managing stress
  • Short temper

ADHD Diagnosis

Diagnosing ADHD is hard as its symptoms are same as other conditions. Several adults with ADHD also experience depression and anxiety. But, ADHD can be diagnosed if these signs are harsh and cause issues in daily life. There is no specialized test to verify it, but, the diagnosis procedure includes:

  • Gathering information about family and personal medical background as well as present medical state
  • Physical Examination
  • Psychological tests

ADHD Treatment

The treatment for ADHD comprises education, psychological counseling, medication and training. The combination of these treatment assists in reliving the symptoms of ADHD.


Stimulants, such as amphetamine or methylphenidate are most frequently recommended for the treatment of ADHD. These stimulants assist in boosting and balancing brain chemicals levels known as neurotransmitters.

Other medications that are used to treat ADHD are atomoxetine in addition to antidepressants for instance, bupropion and others.

Psychological counseling

It helps in:

  • Decreasing the impulsive disorder
  • Augmenting self-esteem
  • Learning about methods to improve relationships

Serial entrepreneur converted investor; Mr. HadarSwersky is the founder of Smart Box Capital and the author of “Winning in business with ADHD. Hadar Swersky says that these treatments can help in improving the symptoms of ADHD.

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