When problems come up in your life, are you able to move forward in a thoughtful and solution-focused way, or do you get stuck? For some adults with ADHD, the procedure of problem-solving becomes so devastating—too many uncertainty and options that they have trouble moving forward. Hence, no resolution is reached at all. They might even feel a sense of paralysis—wanting to move forward, eager to make a decision around the trouble, but eventually unable to do either. Too many possibilities and thoughts can also cause you to become derailed so the original problem may even get lost. This can certainly create even more feelings of self-doubt in your ability to resolve the problem at hand successfully. At times individuals with ADHD have a hard time drawing from past experiences and this can make problem-solving more complex, as well. For other adults with ADHD, an unplanned and impulsive reaction ends up being regretted afterward. Rather than being considerate about the sol...
Mr. Hadar Swersky is the founder of Smart Box Capital and the author of “Winning in business with ADHD”. Hadar says that even though ADHD does not cause other developmental or psychological problems, other disorders frequently occur along with ADHD and make treatment harder. Therefore, it is important to get treatment on time.